
Showing posts from 2018

152 Anime Wallpaper Examples For Your Desktop Background

This Image was rated 4 by BING for KEYWORD wallpaper anime, You will find this result at BING. IMAGE META DATA FOR 152 Anime Wallpaper Examples For Your Desktop Background's IMAGE TITLE: 152 Anime Wallpaper Examples For Your Desktop Background IMAGE URL: THUMBNAIL: IMAGE SIZE: 850.6KB Bs IMAGE WIDTH: 1920 IMAGE HEIGHT: 1080 DOCUMENT ID: OIP.52BQ9hedRtGFKdH7UuSN5AHaEK MEDIA ID: resitem-3 SOURCE DOMAIN: SOURCE URL: THUMBNAIL WIDTH: 474 THUMBNAIL HEIGHT: 266 Related Images with 152 Anime Wallpaper Examples For Your Desktop Background Anime Wallpapers And Backgrounds 4K Anime Wallpapers WallpaperSafari Wallpapers HD anime Taringa! Cool Anime Wallpap...

Wallpapers HD anime Taringa!

This Wallpaper was ranked 47 by BING for KEYWORD wallpaper anime, You will find it result at BING. Picture Deep Information FOR Wallpapers HD anime Taringa!'s IMAGE TITLE: Wallpapers HD anime Taringa! IMAGE URL: THUMBNAIL: IMAGE SIZE: 138.6KB Bs IMAGE WIDTH: 1920 IMAGE HEIGHT: 1080 DOCUMENT ID: OIP.PmLFGhY9ehL9UDZd9oDrkAHaEK MEDIA ID: resitem-46 SOURCE DOMAIN: SOURCE URL: THUMBNAIL WIDTH: 474 THUMBNAIL HEIGHT: 266 Related Images with Wallpapers HD anime Taringa! Emo Anime Wallpapers Wallpaper Cave 66 Anime Wallpapers Full HD 1080p 4k Ultra Anime HD Images HD Cool Anime Backgrounds PixelsTalk.Net Dark Anime Wallpapers ·①

Touhou Project Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden :: greatest anime

This Wallpaper was rated 26 by BING for keyword anime pictures, You will find it result at BING.COM. Picture META DATA FOR Touhou Project Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden :: greatest anime 's Wallpaper TITLE: Touhou Project Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden :: greatest anime IMAGE URL: THUMBNAIL: IMAGE SIZE: 1244.0KB Bs IMAGE WIDTH: 811 IMAGE HEIGHT: 1333 DOCUMENT ID: OIP.kaO0_gDFJT3WeAx4wVKCMAHaML MEDIA ID: resitem-25 SOURCE DOMAIN: SOURCE URL: THUMBNAIL WIDTH: 474 THUMBNAIL HEIGHT: 779 Related Images with Touhou Project Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden :: greatest anime Anime Girl BDFjade IA Vocaloid ♦ Minecraft Skin Anime girls room 7035561 Anime Pictures BDFjade

Cara Mudah Membuat Stiker WhatsApp dengan Gambar Sendiri

Ihsandroid - Cara Mudah Membuat Stiker WhatsApp dengan Gambar Sendiri tidak seperti LINE yang harus disetujui oleh pihak resminya, di Whatsapp membuat stiker sendiri sangatlah mudah untuk dilakukan. Download aplikasi Personal stickers for WhatsApp di Play Store. Lalu siapkan foto atau gambar yang ingin kamu jadikan stiker minimal 2 foto dan pisahkan ke folder atau album baru. Dengan syarat foto atau gambar tersebut harus berformat “ .PNG ”   Untuk mengubah/convert foto menjadi PNG dan menghilangkan background foto, kamu bisa menggunakan aplikasi Backround Eraser. Download Background Eraser di Play Store. Pilih “Load Photo”, lalu crop foto dan hapus background foto sisa kan objeknya (jika tidak dihapus background-nya juga bisa) foto utuh dijadikan stiker tetap bisa. Jika sudah “Save”. Jika semua foto atau gambar sudah siap dan berformat PNG selanjutnya buka aplikasi Personal stickers for WhatsApp, nanti kamu akan melihat list foto/gambar yang bisa kamu tambahkan menjadi stik...

Cara Menambahkan Lagu / Musik ke Instagram Story di iPhone

Ihsandroid - Bagi kamu pengguna Iphone yang ingin menambahkan lagu atau musik ke instagram, disini saya sudah sediakan cara paling mudah untuk menambahkan lagu di instagram. Buat anda yang memakai Instagram dan Spotify, kelihatannya kamu dapat mencoba tips yang akan pengarang berikan kali ini. Berbagi musik kesenangan dari Spotify ke Instagram mempunyai makna masing-masing dari setiap pribadi yang melakukannya. Ada yang melulu ingin berbagi musik tersebut sebab musik itu lagi familiar atau yang lainnya. Untuk tersebut berikut pengarang berikan tutorial teknik menambahkan lagu atau musik ke Instagram Story di iPhone. Cara Menambahkan Lagu / Musik ke Instagram Story di iPhone 1. Buka Spotify → Pilih lagu yang hendak di Share ke Instagram Storie → Ketuk ikon tiga titik → Gulir ke bawah kemudian ketuk Share. 2. Ketuk Instagram Storie → Tunggu sejumlah saat, anda akan diangkut ke software Instagram → Setelah Instagram terbuka, ketuk Your Story guna mulai mengunggah lagu ke Instagram Storie...

8 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya Kamera Telah Berhenti” di Android

Ihsandroid - Bagi anda yang sering mengalami masalah seperti kamera error, tidak bisa dibuka lalu muncul pop up seperti “Sayangnya Kamera Telah Berhenti”atau "Unfortunately, Camera Has Been Stopped", tentunya hal ini bikin emosi dan marah. Maka dari itu, disini saya akan bahas 8 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya Kamera Telah Berhenti” di Android agar kamera ponsel android anda kembali berjalan sehingga bisa digunakan normal kembali untuk foto-foto dan selfie, ini dia : 8 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya Kamera Telah Berhenti” di Android 1. Unroot Smartphone Memiliki hak akses root memang mempunyai tidak sedikit keuntungan untuk smartphone android, tetapi adakalanya root itu membawa sekian banyak  dampak error. Salah satu dampaknya ialah permasalahan yang sedang kita kupas ini. Untuk mengatasinya ialah dengan mengerjakan unroot. Unroot dapat dilaksanakan pada software root yang kamu pakai saat mengerjakan root pada smartphone. Jika kamu sukses melakukan unroot, jajaki cek apakah kamera k...

7 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya Proses Telah Berhenti” Di Android

Ihsandroid - di antara error yang lumayan mengganggu ialah “Sayangnya Proses Telah Berhenti”. Error ini bakal membuat software telepon anda tidak dapat digunakan. Dengan begitu, anda tidak dapat nelpon mantan ataupun gebetan. Pasti rasanya nyebelin banget deh. Beberapa error yang tidak jarang terjadi pada software telepon antara beda adalah: Sayangnya Proses Telah Berhenti Unfortunately the process has stopped Dan lain-lain Jika smartphone anda mengalami error laksana diatas, maka anda sedang membaca tulisan yang tepat. Karena disini saya akan menciptakan tutorial bagaimana teknik mengatasinya. Cara ini dapat diimplementasikan ke sekian banyak  merk smartphone, mulai dari Xiaomi, Samsung, sony, Asus, Acer, Advan, LG, Huawei, dan masih tidak sedikit lagi. Jadi bermukim disesuaikan saja ya. 7 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya Proses Telah Berhenti” Di Android Kali ini Ihsandroid bakal memberikan tulisan mengenai teknik ...

6 Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya, Google Play Telah Berhenti”

Ihsandroid - Apakah kita pernah mengalami kekeliruan “Sayangnya, Google Play sudah berhenti” saat Anda mengupayakan untuk menjalankan Google Play di perlengkapan berbasis Android Anda? Jika Anda tidak jarang mengalaminya, di sini anda memiliki sejumlah hal simpel yang bisa Anda jajaki untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut. Pasti tidak sedikit dari kita merasakan hal laksana tersebut, dan tidak sedikit cara pun untuk mengatasinya, silahkan pilih di antara metode yang ada inilah ini tergantung tuah dan hal face kamu :v oke, tanpa tidak sedikit membuang masa-masa anda, langsung saja ke intinya, sebab saya tau kamu tidak memiliki waktu guna saya. oke silahkan lihat Cara Mengatasi “Sayangnya, Google Play sudah berhenti” di bawah ini. Cara Mengatasi Sayangnya, Google Play Telah Berhenti Metode 1 : uninstall update dari google play Buka Setting kemudian tap di apps, lantas geser ke all kemudian cari google play store lantas silahkan tap di uninstall updates. reboot atau restart android anda. M...

6 Kelebihan HP Android yang tak dimiliki iPhone

Ihsandroid - Kamu barangkali akan memandang tinggi HP atau handphone (HP) keluaran Apple, iPhone. Di samping punya nama besar, harga iPhone yang di atas rata-rata HP lain menciptakan kesan 'wah'nya bisa banget. Pengguna Android juga pasti tidak sedikit yang memiliki mimpi punya iPhone. Eits, namun tunggu dulu, terdapat lho minimal 6 keunggulan HP Android yang nggak dimiliki iPhone. Dengan semua keunggulan itu, memakai HP Android dapat dibilang lebih simple dibanding gunakan iPhone khususnya untuk iPhone keluaran terbaru. Apa saja sih 6 keunggulan HP Android dibanding iPhone? Berikut penjelasannya : 1. Kemampuan charging. HP Android laksana Galaxy S7 punya keterampilan fast charging yang lebih cepat. Di samping itu, sejumlah HP Android pun sudah dapat pakai charger wireless, sedangkan iPhone baru dirumorkan punya fitur tersebut pada keluaran tahun 2017 ini. 2. Kapasitas kenangan tambahan. Hal ini bukan kabar baru pagi peminat HP pintar. Di iPhone tidak punya slot kenangan ekste...

10 Cara Hemat Baterai Android Termudah Yang Pernah Ada

Ihsandroid - Apa Hape Android kamu suka kehabisa baterai? Boros Pemakaian? Pasti kesel bukan dengan kejadian seperti ini? Tenang cukup ikuti tips dan trik simple ini agar baterai smartphone kamu jadi lebih hemat! 1. Matikan Mode Getar Caranya bisa masuk pengaturan -> Suara & Getaran, pilih off -> selesai. 2. Kurangin Kecerahan Hape Ini bisa langsung dari menu yang diatas, atau bisa di pengaturan (Brightness Level) juga bisa pakai aplikasi pihak ketiga jika kalau dirasa kurang gelap dan menyakiti mata. 3. Kurangi Aplikasi yang ON ini bisa langsung di Menu Multitasking nya atau tahan tombol home/ketuk dua kali tombol home agar muncul layar multitasking nya. 4. Matikan Fungsi GPS Jika tidak diperlukan kalau yang ini bisa dari menu layar atas ponsel anda. 5. Matikan Sambungan Wifi bila tidak digunakan 6. Aktifkan Optimized Mode Agar Baterai Lebih Hemat Biasanya di ponsel android keluaran terbaru sudah menyediakan fitur ini, jika belum ada anda bisa setting mode hemat daya di pon...

Alat elektronik yang Masih Banyak Dicari Masyarakat

Saat ini dengan berbagai perkembangan teknologi tentu ada semakin banyak jenis alat seperti gadget dan alat elektronik. Untuk peralatan elektronik ini sendiri tetap menjadi satu kebutuhan masyarakat yang tidak bisa dipisahkan bahkan menjadi barang yang paling cari. Berikut ini adalah beberapa peralatan elektronik yang masih menjadi primadona dengan banyaknya orang yang mencarinya. 1. HT

Support and Reinforcement in the Mining Cycle

The most commonly used mesh is probably welded mesh made of approximately 5 mm thick steel wire and having 100 mm square openings. The steel wire may be galvanised or not. The alternative has been an interwoven mesh known as chain link mesh.  The disadvantage of traditional chain link mesh compared with weld mesh has been the difficulty of applying shotcrete successfully through the smaller openings available.  This difficulty has now been overcome in a high strength, light weight chain link mesh with 100 mm openings which is easy to handle and can be made to conform to uneven rock surfaces more readily than weld mesh. A feature of this mesh is the fact that the intersections of the wires making up the squares in the mesh are twisted rather than simply linked or welded. Roth et al. (2004) describe static and dynamic tests on this mesh.  Mesh of this type is being used successfully at the Neves Corvo Mine, Portugal, where it has been particularly successful in rehabilitati...

Immersion of Metals and Alloys

It is the differential electrical potential between the anode (+) and the cathode (-) which is key to the moist corrosion example described above. This differential is primarily generated by the difference in oxygen availability between the edge and the centre of the water droplet. Differential potentials can also be generated by the presence (and contact) of dissimilar metals immersed in an oxygenated electrolyte solution (Illston et al., 1979; Bryson, 1987).  Corrosion induced by such a coupling can be extremely aggressive and can result from the designed use of dissimilar metals (steel cables with aluminum plates or anchors) or from the presence of cablebolts in a rich sulphide ore.  Indeed, rock bolts in sulphide ore bodies have significantly reduced service lives (Hoey and Dingley, 1971; Gunasekera, 1992). Corrosion cells can also be generated on cablebolt surfaces at the point where abrupt transitions in environment occur. These include differential grout coverage, for e...

Static and Pseudo-Static Support and Reinforcement Systems

It is perhaps remarkable to find that, although rock and cable bolts have been used in underground mining and construction for several decades (if not more than 100 years in the case of rock bolts), bolt elements and bolting systems continue to evolve and improve.  The papers presented to this symposium detail advances made in fully encapsulated resin and cement grouted bolts (Mikula 2004, Mould et al. 2004, Neindorf 2004), one pass mechanized bolting (Mikula 2004, Neindorf 2004) and bulbed cables (Yumlu & Bawden 2004), for example. The developments in ground support practices that have accompanied greater productivity, larger excavations and larger equipment are especially well-illustrated in the paper by Neindorf (2004) describing the evolution of ground support practices at the Mount Isa mine over the past 30 years. In a detailed and valuable review paper, Windsor (2004) concludes that “the quality and performance of cable bolts used to stabilise temporary, non-entry, produc...

How to Get the Discount Out of a Discount Car Rental

Discount car rentals are so hard to come by, and in recent times, discount car rentals simply mean you pay less for something less, and lets face it, sometimes when you pay less for a car rental, you end up with something that looks more like a farmer’s truck than a car. It’s hard to come up with a budget friendly rental, so how do you get a discount car rental these days? Well here are a few tips to boost the value of your money, car rental wise. 1.A good way to essentially, get a discount car rental is to, once you return the car, fill the tank with the cheapest no-name gas you could find, not for revenge or anything, but because car rental companies, require customers to fill the gas tank before returning it, and it you don’t they’ll fill it for you with the company pump but at a higher price, now we don’t want that, so be sure to fill your tank before you return the car. 2.To get the discount off of discount car rental, make early reservations, some car rental companies give discou...

The Ins and Outs of Europe Car Rental

Europe, a continent filled with so much culture and history. A lot of people actually flock to Europe year after year to visit its sights and experience its rich culture. The modern yet still quite laid-back lifestyle that Europeans have been known for has always fascinated tourists, from being true-blue sophisticates who are very much adept to fashion, literature, history, culture and the arts, this is why a lot of people have been drawn to Europe’s simple yet elegant charm time and time again. Of course, traveling around Europe will be really much of a hassle if you don’t have the proper transportation to quickly and conveniently take you from one spectacular tourist destination to another. The most probable solution to this dilemma is a car, ever ready, you’re sure to get to where you want to go at your leisure. Europe car rental however may be quite tricky to some. Let’s face it, a lot of the countries in the European continent isn’t really comprised of English-speaking people and ...

Cheap Car Rental

In today’s world of competitive marketing and cutthroat competition, a customer can’t really predict whether the deal he/she is closing will benefit her or not, most of the time most, consumers, just go on with the deal just to avoid all the hassle of inquiring for more economic alternatives, or discounts. This also applies to car rentals, nowadays, it’s hard to call anything a cheap car rental, with the inflation rate of products, continuing gas price increase it’s hard to keep product prices down, so here are a few tips to keep your car rentals cheap, even if every other factor is making it expensive. 1.Reserve your cheap car rental internet sites instead of over the counter ones. Internet sites, offer internet only discounts which could very beneficial for you, cheap car rentals can be achieved by being witty, put discounts like these to your advantage and you’re sure to save a lot. 2.One way to get cheap car rentals is to try to get the most out of your rental. Most car rentals req...

Tips on how to get the most off a budget car rental

Budget car rentals are a traveler’s savior from being stranded in one place and from expensive taxi rides. But with today’s competitive market, I won’t be surprised that from trying to rent a car you end up renting a lawnmower instead. Well maybe not a lawnmower, but sometimes, well most of the time, the people that assist you in car rentals just doesn’t have your best interest in mind, so you end up paying a truckload of money for a pool of frustrations. To avoid this here are a few tips to get the budget, out of budget car rental. 1. If you’re not choosy with a budget car rental, try to get a budget car rental through sites that let you rent cars at your own price. These firms will try to get the best deal for the car that you’ll get and might just toss in unlimited mileage and upgrades, all of that without spending an extra dime out of budget. 2. Look for package deals, fly-drive-stay, or fly- drive, most of these packages give great discounts for rentals, but don’t do it with an ai...

Sports Fitness: Fun Way to be Healthy

When you talk about sports fitness, what comes first in your mind? It is, basically, the different sports activities, right? This is because sports fitness has always been referred to as the sports itself. Generally, sports entail physical activities that are usually carried out for some “recreational” functions such as self-satisfaction, entertainment, competition, etc. It uses physical activity that is why most fitness experts regard sports as one way of staying fit and healthy. It can also be considered as one way of physical fitness; the only difference is that sports fitness is more inclined to the development of skill or ability. However, like physical fitness, sports fitness is also capable of toning down the body fats of a person. Because of its rigid and strict health program, a sports enthusiast is able to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle in order to cope up with the strenuous demands of sports. In sports, people should learn how to value their health. Otherwise, they can n...